A very Ragu Christmas (and giveaway)! (1/1)
Domestic Debacle is having another Giveaway! Enter to win $300 from Domestic Debacle and Ragu to host their own holiday party or to help make someone else's life a little easier. If I won this giveaway I would throw another dinner party for my girlfriends and I with an Italian spread and Ragu is the perfect base for my recipes!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! A winner will be chosen on Sunday, January 1st at 10:00am!
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$200 AMEX GC (12/26)
The Mommy Insider is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $200 AMEX gift card thanks to Ragu!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! Entries accepted through 11:59pm December 26th. Open to U.S. residents, 18+.
Pretty Plates and a Surprise GIVEAWAY! (12/28)
Two Thousand Things is having a Giveaway! Enter to win your choice between two beautiful bags courtesy of Wayfair.com!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway will end on December 28, 2011 at 24:00 pm and is open for US ONLY!
$50 Array Gift card (1/1)
Mommy Katie is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $50 Array Gift card!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at 11:59 pm on January 1,2011.
$20 Amazon gift codes (1/12)
Frugal Follies is having another Giveaway! Enter to win $20 in Amazon.com gift codes!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway will end on Thursday, January 12, 2012, at 11:59 pm Eastern time.
$50 CellPhoneStore.net Gift Card (1/4)
Akron Ohio Moms is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $50 Gift Card to CellPhoneStore.net!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This Contest ends at 11:59pm EST on January 4, 2012.
Gingerbread holiday kit (12/26)
Two Boys One Girl and a Crazy Mom is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a Gingerbread holiday kit!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This Giveaway will run from 12/12 to 12/26 @ 11:59PM and is open to the US ONLY!!!
$50 Rachael Ray Store Gift Certificate (12/20)
My Life with Rats and More is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $50 Gift Certificate to use at The Rachael Ray Store!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This Giveaway will end on December 20, 2011.
$100 to ArrayGift.Com (12/19)
Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $100 to ArrayGift.com!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This Contest ends at 11:59pm EST on December 19th and is open to the US and Canada.
$100 AMEX Gift Card! (12/12)
Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $100 American Express Gift Card!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This Contest ends at 11:59pm EST on December 12th and is open to the US Only.
Adventures of Alouette Cheese Prize Pack (12/19)
Mom Start is having another Giveaway! Enter to win an Adventures of Alouette Cheese Prize Pack (valued at $52)!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway ends December 19th.
$100 AMEX Gift Card (12/19)
Mom Start is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $100.00 American Express Gift Card!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway ends December 19th.
Little Giant Xtreme Ladder (12/8)
The Dirty T-Shirt is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a Little Giant Xtreme Ladder!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This Giveaway ends on December 8 and is open to U.S. residents only.
Excedrin® Migraine relaxation baskets (12/14)
The Dirty T-Shirt is having another Giveaway! Enter to win one of three Excedrin® Migraine relaxation baskets!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This Giveaway ends on December 14 and is open to U.S. residents only.
Reija Eden Jewelry (12/17)
Outnumbered 3 to 1 is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a piece of jewelry from Reija Eden Jewelry!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway is open to US until 12/17/2011 12:01am EST.
$20 Affordable Scarves GC (12/11)
Yours to Win is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $20 gift certificate to Affordable Scarves!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway ends December 11th at 9pm EST.
$25 Walmart GC or Paypal Cash (12/4)
Heaven Savings is having another Giveaway! Enter to win your choice of a $25 Walmart Gift Card or a $25 Paypal Cash!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This Contest will close on December 4th 12:01am EST and is open Worldwide!
$50 Visa GC (12/1)
Baby Loving Mama is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $50 Visa Gift Card courtesy of Betty Crocker!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This contest will end on 12/1/11 at 11:59 pm CST and is open to U.S. residents 18+ only.
Country Crock/$25 AMEX Prize Pkg (11/29)
Baby Loving Mama is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a Country Crock Adventure Kit including a $25 AMEX Gift Card and a coupon for a free tub of Country Crock!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This contest will end on 11/29/11 at 11:59 pm CST and is open to U.S. residents 18+ only.
Razzle-Dazzle Ruby Prize Package (11/30)
Baby Loving Mama is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a Razzle-Dazzle Ruby Prize Package!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This contest will end on 11/30/11 at 11:59 pm CST and is open to U.S. residents 18+ only.
$25 Walmart GC (12/11)
The Mommy Files is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $25 Walmart Gift Card!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! Contest will close at 11:59 p.m. PST on Sunday, December 11th, 2011 and is open to U.S. residents only.
$50 Visa or AMEX GC (11/23)
The Bragging Mommy is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a$50 in the form of a Visa or AMEX gift card!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! You can enter this giveaway until November 23rd @10:00 am MST and you must be over the age of 18 and live in the Contiguous US to enter.
Dozen Cake Pop Creation (11/10)
Momma Told Me is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a 2 Dozen Cake Pop Creation of your choice!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This Giveaway ends at 12:01 AM EST on November 10th, 2011 and is open to the US only.
Decal Girl for Skins (11/14)
Two Classy Chics is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $9.99 coupon from Decal Girl Laptop for a FREE skin for a cell phone, Ipod or video game controller or you can apply it to a larger purchase!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or over and will end on November 14th.
Udi's Cookies (11/12)
Hope's Café is having another Giveaway! Enter to win 1 package each of Udi's Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Raisin and Snickerdoodle cookies!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway ends Saturday, November 12, 2011, at 11:59 p.m and is open to US residents only.
Crest 3D White Whitening Strips (11/12)
Hope's Café is having another Giveaway! Enter to win 1 Box of Crest 3D White Whitening Strips!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway ends Saturday, November 12, 2011, at 11:59 p.m and is open to US residents only.
Jambu Solaris - Choice of Shoe (11/15)
Outnumbered 3 to 1 is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a pair of shoes from Jambu!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway is open to residents of the US until 11/15.
$50 Amazon GC (10/30)
The Frugal Toad is having a Giveaway! Enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! Open to US and Canadian residents only. This Giveaway ends Oct 30th
Micro T301 Cruz Tablet (11/1)
Couple Money is having a Giveaway! Enter to win the Velocity Micro T301 Cruz 7-Inch Android 2.0 Tablet!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! The contest ends Tuesday November 1, 2011 (11:59 PM eastern) and is open to the US and Canada residents only.
Wholly Guacamole Products (10/28)
Shak'in & Bak'in in the Kitchen with Shelly is having another Giveaway! Enter to win some Wholly Products!! One grand prize winner will win a styrofoam cooler pack with several delicious Wholly products. There will also be 3 additional winners who will each win 3 free product coupons each! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway will close on October 28th, 2011 at 11:59 pm EST time and is open to residents of the US Only age 18 and over.
SUBWAY Lion King Prize Pack (10/18)
Mommy Gaga is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a SUBWAY Lion King kids meal bag stuffed with a $25 SUBWAY Card and The Lion King Diamond Edition Blu-ray Combo Pack!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This contest runs through Tuesday, October 18, 2011 and is open to U.S. addresses only.
Subway Prize Pack (10/18)
My Thoughts, Ideas and Ramblings is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a Subway prize pack which includes a Subway Lion King kids meal bag stuffed with a $25 SUBWAY Card AND The Lion King Diamond Edition Blu-ray Combo Pack!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This will end on October 18th at 12:01 am EST and is for US only.
Kodak EASYSHARE C1530 camera bundle (10/31)
Mom Start is having another Giveaway! Enter to win the Kodak EASYSHARE C1530 with a pink camera bag, and memory card. The Bundle will be available for U.S. $99.99 MSRP!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway ends October 31st.
$50 AMEX Gift card (10/31)
Mom Start is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $50 AMEX Gift Card!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This giveaway ends October 31st.
Pillsbury Breakfast Product Coupons (10/18)
Two Boys One Girl and a Crazy Mom is having another Giveaway! Enter to win 3 Coupons each is good toward a FREE Scramble Egg or Grand’s Breakfast Sandwich of your choice along with a Pillsbury dough boy key chain and Pillsbury Dough Boy Beanie Doll!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This Giveaway will run from 10/4 to 10/18 @ 11:59PM and is open to the US ONLY!!
$50 AMEX Gift card (10/20)
Two Boys One Girl and a Crazy Mom is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $50 AMEX Gift card courtesy of Lysol!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This Giveaway will run from 10/13 - 10/20 @ 11:59PM and is open to the US ONLY!!
$25 Del Monte fruit or Veggies (10/24)
Two Boys One Girl and a Crazy Mom is having another Giveaway! Enter to win $25 worth of coupons for FREE Fruit and Vegetables ( 5 Coupons a $5 off Fresh Del Monte fruit or Veggies)!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This Giveaway will run from 10/10 to 10/24 @ 11:59PM and is open to the US ONLY!!
Win a Kindle Fire Free
Win a Kindle Fire Free!
More about Kindle Fire?
Sure, go ahead, and read it all here
How to Win?
Criteria is simple, just write an article about the contest on your website and promote the post, the post which have highest number of social media exposure will get the price. You can check out more details about it on contest page
Any Rules?
Oh yes, there are a few.
The winner will be announced on 26th October – Diwali.
The winner will be awarded with a brand new Kindle Fire tablet. The product will be shipped to your address directly from US and we will take care of all charges involved, including shipping and custom charges.
The winner will be selected on the maximum number of Facebook shares or likes, tweets, stumbles, diggs, etc. In case two participants end up having the same most number of social media shares, we will take the help of Random.org
Techcular.com reserves the rights to change the rules anytime during this contest, and cancel a entry if we smell some fishy activities.
All the very best and looking forward to witness some hardcore contestants!
The Penny Hoarder’s Hallo(Wii) (10/31)
The Penny Hoarder is is having a really awesome Giveaway! Enter to win one of three fantastic prizes: Grand Prize: a Nintendo Wii (black) + Mario Kart Game; First Prize: a $25 Amazon gift card; Second Prize: a $10 Best Buy gift card!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! The contest ends at 12:01 a.m. on October 31st, 2011 and is open to anyone!
$50 AMEX GC + Pampers Prize Pack (10/11)
Mommy Gaga is having another Giveaway! Enter to win a $50 AMEX Gift Card, a jumbo pack of Pampers baby diapers and a box of Pampers Baby Wipes courtesy of Pampers!! Enter here for more information and to participate in the giveaway! This contest runs through Tuesday, October 11, 2011 and is open to U.S. addresses only.
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